Oh the life of a celebrity.... I am constantly in demand for appearances and special engagements. Just yesterday I was doing an event for my dear friend and acutherapist Eileen Coe. We were at the Civic Center in NFM during the Horse and Tack yard sale and I was modeling for her the perfect example of a mare being given acupressure . I was on best behavior and attracting a lot of attention when out of the blue I was asked to leave. Can you imagine, Me being asked to leave ? I would have taken offense but I realize it was probably the housekeeper they were asking to vacate the premises and since I was riding with her I had to leave too.
It was their mistake tho' as I found it to be an embarrassment and I don't like to be embarrassed. Little do they know who they were rude to, I consider myself the Billy Mays of the Equine set. I am PITCH MARE.

You can always reach me at my askdaisy email if you need me to make a celebrity appearance at your function or event. I can assure you that it makes quite a statement when I pop out of a wedding cake.............
For a substantial appearance fee I am happy to be a street walker and carry your sign on my largest and most prominent area...see below
Nicky is jealous of my increasing fame and fortune and has decided that he is going to run away and join the Circus and become famous too. Since he and the housekeeper consider themselves a team they started practicing today at the barn.

They can practice all they want but the will never equal me in star quality. Cute is OK but the public wants beauty and poise and I have that in unequaled quantities.
PS....... we went for an evening walk with Chili and Breeze at Pop Ash and honestly I have seen Mosquitozilla and it lives at PopAsh Park.
Kisses ,
All I can say is "wow"!
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