How cold is it ??
In the Month of January in the year of 2010 in Fort Myers, Florida at the Spa out by the Civic Center, The momma duck asked her ducklings, "How cold is it ?"
The first one answered " Is it cold enough for fuzzy Nicky to wear a blanket ? "
" Yes " Momma duck answered , " Does anyone else have an answer ?"
" I know, I know" said one duckling named Herbert "Is it cold enough that Fiona got a brand new black coat from MaryLous and threw away her old raggedy one ? "
" yes Mamma.....Is it cold enough to enclose the barn in tarpaulins to try to keep the wind off of everyone sleeping ? "

" I am so proud of all of you"said Momma Duck " If we survive the cold night I will take you all swimming tomorrow in the big pond "
" I am so proud of all of you"said Momma Duck " If we survive the cold night I will take you all swimming tomorrow in the big pond "
The End
Now that you have enjoyed my little story I want to also tell all of you that the groundskeeper had started on the storage barn for the mobile human stall. We have all been totally entertained by the whole thing and he keeps giving us lots of hay to keep us " out from under foot" Here are pictures of the progress so far
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