In October of 2009 the Pilot Club of Fort Myers had an auction to raise money. The Pilot Club is a service organization dedicated to prevention of brain injury as well as meeting other needs of the handicapped population of Fort Myers .
Cindy Krupo of UBS Financial Services invested her money in buying a horse back ride provided by Gwen Hutto. When we found out that this would be Cindy's first time EVER on horseback I was chosen to initiate her in the true pleasure of being one with an equine. ( Of course we know that I would be chosen as I am the supreme and best , sweetest , prettiest , smartest and most humble Haflinger Horse in the whole universe.) Gwen brought my friend Chili and Nicky came along too. We had a very nice time as we strolled and discussed the good old days when Chili lived with us at the Spa.
The humans also provided an out of doors luncheon and Ms Krupo had a delightful time . 
But of course she was with me so no one expected anything less !!!!
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