Over run with cats

This isn't the best picture ever but this is a Bobcat that was visiting and looking for a meal this morning about 11 AM. Visiting us in the daytime worries us a bit, That means he is VERY HUNGRY. Bobcats have already eaten about half the bird population around here. This one is going after eggs but if given any chance it will be more birds. What if he gets really brave and wants to come after me , goody ......... I could play Stomp-a-cat or Nicky and I could play cat basketball , both are fun and entertaining ways to spend some time.
Next on todays agenda is Tony.
Someone dumped him ( poor baby) over at Gwen's place. He is maybe 3 months old, a Hemmingway and he needs a home. He is a very nice kitten and very loving but the Spa just got Bitsy and even we horses think that 4 Cats around the place is ample. If they keep spending money on cats what will they use to buy us good hay ?? We are also concerned because Tony wants to go out at night and we are afraid his cousin ( the bobcat) will eat him. If you can give Tony a home please email me at askdaisy@live.com
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