July 11, 2009
I know that to many of my faithful readers this photo doesn't look like much, perhaps it appears to be just a pile of grass. But to me and my fellow residents this is the nectar of the gods. It is beautiful , lovely, tasty, yumliscious Central Pennsylvania hay. We are so important to the staff here that John, the groundskeeper actually helped bale and load this hay himself, as well as driving it 1,300 miles to us. Thanks staff, we appreciate your devotion to us and we deserve every bit of it.
We are still on the look out here as to who had the audacity to infringe on my turf with my man Nick. I told the boss of the Turkey brugad to find the babbo and get her pinched. Here is the Capo di turri cap and his Consigliere discussing the problem , looking to find a stool pigeon among the chickens, anyone who will rat the writer.

They called on the young Turks, a crew of the Cosa Nostra ,who fanned out and have searched every square inch of the property for clues to the identity of the cafone who would be Nicky's Goumada.

Here are some of our residents on the Daisy Days Old Age Home side of the property. They are waiting with baited breath ( actually with bad breath but we don't discuss that ) for the arrival of our Pennsylvania retiree
I love the "Old" pup pics!! Good laugh
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