Now my faithful readers, it is all just too much on me,
It is going to be a great inconvenience to me that the housekeeper has to go to the veterinarian clinic in Naples and stay there for days and have a surgery for a very early colin cancer . She will be fine but it will certainly be hard on me to have to do without as much attention as I normally get, who will give me food, who will take me for walks , and who will brush my hair and who will tell me good night, this is just more than I can bear !!! Furthermore this also makes me nervous because Tango died of rectal cancer . So let this be my plea to all my equine friends as well as their housekeepers and groundskeepers that you all go get Colonoscopies, (They do that for horses don't they ????? )
Now since we are talking medicine I will let you all know that the horse formally known as Crazy Nicky is now known as accident prone Nicky and he stuck a stick or piece of hay or something into his bad eye and has to have medicine 4 (+) times a day. Just when I am ready for everyone to worry about meeting my needs he goes and does this !! He is such an attention hog I think he did it on purpose. This photo is his night mask , Nicky has his eye dilated and in case the keepers sleep in after the sun comes up this will keep him safe from the sun . During the day he wears a blacked out fly mask.

More news is that Tony the kitten thought he found something to hunt but........
This is what a snake looks like when he is saying "You want some of me "
Frank wants to make a public announcement about the use of the word Weiner Dog, he says it is completely not Politically Correct, it is not only rude and degrading it also encourages people to mock Dachshunds , see below as prime example

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