Today we celebrated the fact that the girl turkey started to set her nest and soon we will have lots and lots of baby turkeys to step on ( oops did I say that out loud ?? ) . We all put on hats and had the best time , well most of us had fun, you can see that Chili was put out by the whole thing and was concerned that she looked silly.

I however know that I look absolutely gorgeous in hats so I was happy to put one on for the festivities .
Look , we got new nylon halters just for the bus rides. Don't I look lovely in pink ?
And of course Nick in Blue.
Did you hear, he has cantered twice now without bucking. His personal human thought that if he did it because he wanted to then he would be nice and just when he could have dumped her on her head, he didn't . The spa staff is just so proud of him and are making over him and since it isn't about me truthfully I could just puke.
We went to the little park on Thursday and this evening we went out to the big park . Here is one of the bus drivers trying to make sure Nicky's bridle will fit him correctly by putting it on her own head first. It is so nice that they are not asking us to do anything that they aren't willing to do themselves .
We saw these things called armadillos and we were nervous but not nearly as nervous as we were when 4 of these .......................................................

..................................things called Deer crossed in front of us.

Between all of the wind , the scary things we saw and the fact that I have told Chili and told Chili not to crowd me on the trail that I was forced ( truly forced I tell you, I wouldn't have done it otherwise ) to do a double take-down kick and unfortunately I hit her rider , Gwen, in the ankle. The bad part is we called the trip at that point and turned around and I was really having a good time . Chili just has to learn that I am queen and if she wants to be my friend than she will have to respect that. This is a picture of the black and blue starting. I have to say that I am not at all sorry and if Chili doesn't stay away from me and my human John I am going to do it again.
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