Another episode of ECSI ( Equine Crime Scene Investigation )
Hello all, Daisy here, back to my blogging.
As many of you know a duck hatched her babies in my room so I have been intimately involved since she started laying her eggs. My room has continued to be the nursery so I have counted the babies many times and when the babes were hatched there were 17.
It wasn't a smart move on her part to do all this in my quarters . I have the smallest room right now but still I have been extremely careful not to step on them. That stupid mother duck brought them into the room last night while I was standing there and I just froze until all of them had passed.
Now back to my story Within 24 hours 2 were dead. I think she accidentally smothered them herself ( so sad ) however the intermediate staff removed the bodies for burial and all went along as tho' nothing had happened ( ducks can't count higher than 1 so the mother duck didn't realize the loss )

Two days later the count was down to 10. I counted several times and am sure that she lost 5 more to predators. Duckling is obviously quite tasty and they are at danger from the land ( coons, possums, rats etc. ) The air ( hawks & owls ) and under the water ( turtles & gators)
Late the next day she had 18 and then this morning she has 19. The question remains, is it theft or kidnapping. where are they coming from, does no-one miss them. Is she taking advantage of the fact that no duck can count higher than 1 , so the other mothers aren't missing their children ??? , Oh my , what am I do do ? Do I need to report this to the authorities.
Oh Yeah by the way,
The hay is here and we couldn't be more pleased with it. Our only complaint is that we are given this delightful tidbits only about 6 times a day and we would like it more often.
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