rodeo cowgirl

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This is the Spas newest attraction. Her name is Rodeo Cowgirl and we are proud to welcome her on board.
Dearest Readers,
What an adventure we had yesterday. We started out on a usual little evening stroll with my good Friend from SE , April. All was going beautifully and we were having a wonderful time but the foolish humans didn't realise when we crossed over the line into the twilight zone and they never saw the monsters in the bushes. We have gone over this with them several times and they continue to believe they see this
What Nicky and I find most interesting is that when we call an emergency evacuation , humans do not respond in an appropriate manner .

all in mortal danger we have already left
the scene and have become one with the wind. At that point they ( the humans ) are sitting on the ground becoming one with the dirt and wondering what just happened.
We didn't really go that far, only about 1/2 mile and then we stopped for delicious green grass and to wait for the humans to catch up and/or listen for a monster belch That would indicate they had been eaten .
I , as usual , was as calm as a cucumber and was trying my best to get Nicky to relax a bit. What a big chicken he is sometimes. It should be noted that I didn't " run off" because I was afraid or anything, I only ran off because I knew Nicky didn't need to be alone as it would only make him even more afraid.
The humans finally caught up with us and because they were walking funny and groaning alot , the four of us walked back to the bus. Thanks again to April who heard my call and knew which direction to walk in.

And then we got lots of love and hugs. You would have thought they had been worried about us because they were acting so mushy. When we got to the bus there were two more humans that we know, Rick and Gwen . They had come to help find us but fortunately it wasn't necessary. Even Frank, the roving reported, offered his finely tuned nose to track us but we were able to turn down his kind offer
A personal note to April.......Keep in mind April that I am one chubby chick but I did my best to heave the poundage off the ground and go aerial to give you one exciting event. Don't forget that people pay big money in bars for Bull riding fun like I gave you for free last night. But Heck, that's what friends are for.
Happy Ending
PS.... Note from Photographer.... I apologise for my use of clip art however after I got up and dusted off I realized that the camera was basically embedded in my tush ( it was in my back pocket) so no more photos were taken that afternoon.
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