You will not believe what has just transpired. Are you sitting down my dear devoted readers ? I just found out that the spa staff intended for Nicky and I to stay here at the spa forever .
I am so very excited I am beside myself ( oh wait , that's Nicky, my goodness we do look alike ) They offered us permanent positions , They want me to be in charge of all public relations and advertising.
Nicky is in charge of activities with people and personal relations. It would seem that the director of the spa believes that Nicky is much better with " pony rides ' than I am and for that I am grateful. I actually don't much like those little rascals sitting on my back slobbering on my pretty mane and I can assure you that wet spot on my back isn't because I was sweating.
I have a secondary job as well, I am to advocate for the little ones. It has been noticed that I have a gentle heart and just today I was seen as I put my head down and with my lips gently pushed the 19 baby ducks out of my way so I could walk past. ( I think I earned MAJOR brownie points for that one )
Nicky is as excited as I am. The big ninny really loves that woman who runs this place ( no I am not jealous, I am just embarrassed for him to be acting like some love sick fool) He also likes his job of giving children rides and doing silly tricks and giving smoochies.
As it turns out Chili was already a permanent resident and was asked to act like a guest to put us at ease. It seems she is an important part of the grounds crew and no job can be done without her constant input.
I will continue to blog as the head of public relations so have no fear, Daisy will not leave you just because of my new position and the fact that I am finally being appreciated for more than my good looks. I have also been given an assistant, Bob, He can maneuver heights for me and get a new and fresh angle on the news around here.

Toodaaloo for now
Public Relations
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