My Dearest readers,

We went from a calm and normal week of evening walks in the park to an explosion of activity over the weekend.
It all started with a visit to Moi from my therapist Eileen and I received a much deserved acupressure treatment . I love my treatments . I end up feeling like a filly by the time she is finished. Nicky watched the whole thing and is hoping to set an appointment for himself. He gets so jealous of me and all the special attention I get. I say to him " Don't hate me because I am beautiful" He says it isn't because I am beautiful He says it's because I kick and bite him. He is so unreasonable !!!!!
And Speaking of Kicking and Biting, I could learn a few things from the Spas newest resident. It seems that there is a Gander that is 2 years old and due to the Economic Downturn he has found himself out of a home where he had been treated like a special pet. So he comes here, and he is scared and unhappy so he delivers a few well placed jabs to the staff.

But still , he needed comforting last night so they much beleaguered staff member sat with him on the swing until he could go to bed. We are now working with him to help him realize he is indeed a goose and not a lap dog.

There was a meeting held yesterday in the garden to discuss the possible solutions for the duck that won't grow or mature. It was decided to that one hen would allow her most stupid baby to go live with the Duck for company . Her baby had become lost from her brood twice in just a few minutes so it was decided that the baby would keep the ducking company rather than be stepped on or eaten. You have to look closely for the tiny chick, see him on the left of the duckling ?


Some of the hens with little ones are planning a party to celebrate so check back for that report

Yes we are now known far and wide for our wonderful Tom Turkeys and their healthy and prolific offspring . We awoke to a knock this morning and a man wished to bring his Turkey Hen to meet the boys in hopes of sparking a romance.
In the first photo she is getting here and everyone is greeting her and later she gets a very special greeting from the Tom.

Make a Smilebox greeting
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