Saturday Morning May 2, 2009
Today the staff is leaving us to our own devices and heading out to Okeechobee to watch a buggy competition with the Florida Whips ( man-oh -man...... I mean mare-oh-mare , thats one scarey name)
I think that Nicky and I may be in for some serious trouble. Has anyone even asked us if we want to pull a wagon or buggy, No they haven't . You'd think from all this activity that we look like a matched set of draft horses or something !!!!!!
I am sending Frank ( the nose that knows ) with the camera again so that we can get the early scoop on what this is all about

I thought you would all enjoy pictures of my most beautiful self trying on the new saddle that the staff purchased for me. Because of my voluptuous figure a special saddle was necessary and I am so worth it . Please spend time to notice my dapples are showing on my rump. Someone please get me a mirror so that I can admire them too .

On the opposite side of the spectrum is Nicky's " new to you" saddle ( free from Craigslist ) . Since little Mr Scaredy may take off again at a moments notice the staff thought that once they healed up from the last fiasco they may try a saddle for a while. He is handsome in it though don't you think ladies ?

Last but not least, I am not one to disparage someone to their face but some body ought to tell Little Cat that her hunting technique leaves a great deal to be desired.
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