A Week Has Passed
Dearest Readers ,
In the manner of a business meeting I will tell you of some " old business " . The trip to the horse drawn wagon place was cancelled for now. My wishes have prevailed this time but only time will tell if this harebrained scheme of theirs is a dead issue.
For those of you who wrote in and asked why I have not blogged this week it is simply that I have been busy. Because we haven't been able to go on evening walks for a while I have taken even more interest in the goings on , the personalities and problems of the spa.
The mother chicken came to me and asked advice about her extra large chick. I gently explained to her that it was in actuality a Turkey and that it was her motherly duty to continue on as though nothing had changed . After much consternation the hen decided that she did indeed love her "not so little one" , and is as devoted as ever. They have been released from the maternity ward and she is spending her time training him to be a proper rooster . She is hoping that he won't be emotionally damaged being raised a Chicken but she says she doesn't know how to raise him Turkey . He may need serious couseling someday but I am here so have fear . "cockadoodlegobble"

Then my friend Chili took me aside and was worried about her drinking problem. It seems she just can't resist sneaking a sip from sources she should ignore. I counseled her that not all " grass is greener on the other side of the fence " And that bird water can cause a serious case of feathers. She took my advice and has gone on the wagon.

The second Duck to hatch has five delightful youngsters but is quite beside herself because two of them are remarkable small. We all saw them hatch at the same time and she is still in Maternity care because of the tiny ones. I gave my best advice and told her to beef up the swimming lessons and to make sure the bigger kids were not taking their lunch money. She took my advice and we are waiting to see if the tiny ones will catch up or if they may be candidates for a Discovery Channel Special on dwarfism in ducks.
Then I have had my hands full because three hens hatched their young ones this week and I can't begin to tell you how many babies we have underfoot. So far no one has been stomped on but it is a daily strain to watch where we step.

Now Dear readers, because I have given good advice all week and it is apparent that I have a gift it occurred to me that perhaps some of you may need my assistance with your problems. Therefor I am starting an ASK DAISY column on my blog. Please write in with your questions and I will solve all your problems because..... I know everything........ My new email is askdaisy@live.com .