My time at the health club

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Hello All, I know it has been a few days since I blogged and I know you all are quite anxious to know what I have been up to. For the most part I have had to supervise the groundskeeper. He is still building the snack bar and everyone was giving their opinions so I had to make it perfectly clear who he was to listen to and who's opinions he could just ignore .

Today we celebrated the fact that the girl turkey started to set her nest and soon we will have lots and lots of baby turkeys to step on ( oops did I say that out loud ?? ) . We all put on hats and had the best time , well most of us had fun, you can see that Chili was put out by the whole thing and was concerned that she looked silly.

I however know that I look absolutely gorgeous in hats so I was happy to put one on for the festivities .

Look , we got new nylon halters just for the bus rides. Don't I look lovely in pink ?

And of course Nick in Blue.
Did you hear, he has cantered twice now without bucking. His personal human thought that if he did it because he wanted to then he would be nice and just when he could have dumped her on her head, he didn't . The spa staff is just so proud of him and are making over him and since it isn't about me truthfully I could just puke.

We went to the little park on Thursday and this evening we went out to the big park . Here is one of the bus drivers trying to make sure Nicky's bridle will fit him correctly by putting it on her own head first. It is so nice that they are not asking us to do anything that they aren't willing to do themselves .

We saw these things called armadillos and we were nervous but not nearly as nervous as we were when 4 of these .......................................................

..................................things called Deer crossed in front of us.

Between all of the wind , the scary things we saw and the fact that I have told Chili and told Chili not to crowd me on the trail that I was forced ( truly forced I tell you, I wouldn't have done it otherwise ) to do a double take-down kick and unfortunately I hit her rider , Gwen, in the ankle. The bad part is we called the trip at that point and turned around and I was really having a good time . Chili just has to learn that I am queen and if she wants to be my friend than she will have to respect that. This is a picture of the black and blue starting. I have to say that I am not at all sorry and if Chili doesn't stay away from me and my human John I am going to do it again.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Physical Education

What a rough day this has been. Ok Rough but fun too. We got a new PE instructor and man-o- man did she work us hard. Here I am doing Push Ups.

This is Chili doing the swimming exercise

Here I am doing water aerobics. Left leg lift kicks.

Here is Chili getting ready to dive off our Shoulders, Too bad the picture took to soon because she did really good and it was really cool , she did a cannonball

We had a big splash fight, that was alot of fun , nicky won ( he cheats )

The matron came and made us all get out because ...........................She caught me and Nick gossiping and making fun of Chili.

But it was so funny we couldn't stop laughing, I mean roll on the floor funny.

The chickens thought the shoulder cannonball was cool and were trying a pyramid out in the barn yard ( Didn't anyone tell them this was illegal )

will write more later, it's time for a full body massage and cucumber facial



Monday, March 16, 2009

We had a big day

Chili trying to explain to the grounds-keeper how she wants the bridge to look.

We had such big day at the health spa today!! My new nail tech came by and did pedicures. I had chipped a nail at the ride-a-thon and refused to go out in public till it was repaired. I liked him and he did a really nice job on all of us.

He wanted to do natural nails but I requested red , It is so festive, don't you think .

Later in the day we went on another nature hike and watched the sun set. I am starting a new photographic series. I will title it " THE WORLD THROUGH NICKS EARS" This picture of the sunset over a pond is my first in the series. I expect to win a blue ribbon with it in competition at the talent show later this week. Nick thought I should enter my musical abilities but I told him that mocking my flatulence issue was not very gentlemanly ( however privately I was pleased that he notices I have made an effort to be more rhythmic . )

Here I am this afternoon at the park, Am I not just stunning ????

Ta Ta for now



We had some visitors yesterday and I have to admit I was completely flummoxed . However I couldn't sleep and as I laid awake last night and thought about it and I think I have the answer .

A traveling midget circus act named " The Grandchildren " came by yesterday with their manager named "SON". I think they were trying Nick and I out as possibly mounts for their act.

I think they wanted us to join them on the thing called a tramp lean but we couldn't fit through the net opening, hopefully they don't want us because I am not ready to leave the spa yet.

Bye for now


Sunday, March 15, 2009


Ladies Luncheon

Good afternoon all, I am feeling bright eyed and bushy tailed today. Unfortunately my girlfriend Chili and my man Nicky are both acting a bit "stove up" today. Who'd a thought I was the one with the most stamina and was in the best shape. That will show you to judge a chubby book by the cover . I am Large and in Charge !!!!

We had a picnic this afternoon and I know I titled it the first photo Ladies Luncheon but in reality it was a whole barn yard activity . It is just that Nicky, being a boy, is so gross that we girls just couldn't stand his table manners so we asked him to sit at a different table. Blowing oats out your nose is just not something we ladies think is that funny. See how sad he looks, maybe next time he will behave and we will let him sit with us.

Speaking of picnic lunches and hay snacks, you can see that this place doesn't have enough picnic tables and Nicky had to eat off the ground. Well the management is building a drive in restaurant. See the photo below.

Supposedly a whole roll of hay will be off the ground and under cover . I can't imagine the technology. What will they think of next, automatic waterers , lol lol lol lol
Here is a picture of us from the managements personal barn and turn out . We like to stay close to keep an eye on the activities director. You just never know when they will call for a group game or dance or some other fun thing like a rousing round of stomp-a-chicken .

I will write more later.