Its' Lu Lu again ....
Poor LuLu , she is having "one of her days" when she thinks she is a haflinger just like me . We tend to just go with it ........
Ride'em cowboy
The audio didn't take with this clip, However it is a simple demonstration of proper massage technique on turkeys. You must first start with smoothing any ruffled feathers and then proceed to a deep muscle massage on the chest area. Next is the gentle waddle massage below the neck and a calming two finger rub on the back of the neck. One must be informed of these procedures , you never know when you may be called on to massage a turkey
We have just been informed during a Monthly Spa/Family meeting that there are some things that are happening around here that will affect us. First we are told that the Staff is leaving for nearly 2 1/2 weeks and that we will be moving over to Gwen's House. Just like that they tell us to pack our stuff ......we are going to Gwen's. Did anyone ask ?? NO..... Does anyone care that me, Nick and Fiona don't want to go to leave home for that long ???? NO ........................
It is interesting, things go on as normal around her for some time and then all excitement breaks loose at one time .