My time at the health club

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Its' Lu Lu again ....

Here is another photo of our old girl LuLu. Since they are traveling back to the city LuLu wanted to let her friend Cowboy have one last trail ride around the kitchen.

Poor LuLu , she is having "one of her days" when she thinks she is a haflinger just like me . We tend to just go with it ........

Ride'em cowboy

Friday, September 25, 2009


The audio didn't take with this clip, However it is a simple demonstration of proper massage technique on turkeys. You must first start with smoothing any ruffled feathers and then proceed to a deep muscle massage on the chest area. Next is the gentle waddle massage below the neck and a calming two finger rub on the back of the neck. One must be informed of these procedures , you never know when you may be called on to massage a turkey

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Evening Meeting

We have just been informed during a Monthly Spa/Family meeting that there are some things that are happening around here that will affect us. First we are told that the Staff is leaving for nearly 2 1/2 weeks and that we will be moving over to Gwen's House. Just like that they tell us to pack our stuff ......we are going to Gwen's. Did anyone ask ?? NO..... Does anyone care that me, Nick and Fiona don't want to go to leave home for that long ???? NO ........................

What, What is that , Nicky what did you say? ...... Chili is there, My dear friend Chili!! OK so maybe that would be pleasant., What , What? Your mumbling again, please spit out that hay and speak clearly, What else did you say? You know I am typing right now , why are you bothering me ? .... You have gas?? , Oh Grass, lots and lots of green grass and it isn't a human joke this time . We will be allowed to eat it . OK So maybe I will agree to go there, but things had better not be like it was last time, I want to be on the side of the fence that has the grass.

Next they say that the reason we have to go to Gwen's is that they are taking the Portable Stall, the big big black trailer and going to Pennsylvania for Hay. OK that is good with me so I will give my permission and blessing for this to occur. It is formally ALLOWED.

Frank, You will be assigned as ROVING REPORTER again, so it will be your job to let us all know how it is going. We hear that not only is Frank going but Ali and LuLu are going too. That little stall and all 5 of you are sleeping in it, talk about a Clown Car!!!! Please Frank, take lots of pictures so we share this time with you.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009




Monday, September 21, 2009

A Terrible Accident

It is interesting, things go on as normal around her for some time and then all excitement breaks loose at one time .

We woke up Saturday morning expecting a visit from one of Nickys old friends at Special Equestrians ( more about this visit when the pictures get here ) and had a surprise. We have a new resident. She has walked over from about 1/2 mile away. She was in love with Tom and had gone to great lengths to get to him.

Unfortunately no one here realized that Tom was leaving that morning . He had decided to attack the hand that fed him ( HE DREW HUMAN BLOOD ) as well as being a terrible bully to all the other feathered residents so he was on his way to Naples. It would be that very afternoon and please don't feel bad for him. He just became resident Tom to 3 Bronze beauties and he also got to take his hen along with him when he left here.
Her original keeper say she may stay at the spa but as of now she is quite lonely with Tom gone.Saturday morning brought much more excitement. We got a call from Chili . Her friend and a former resident here at the spa named Breeze had hurt herself in the night. I know Breeze and due to her clumsy nature had begun calling her Bumbling Breeze behind her back.

Here she is getting back to her house after the emergency Vet Visit. See Chili in the back waiting for her. When Breeze left to go to the Vet, Chili attempted to Jump out of her stall and had to be forcibly restrained. I understand the humans were just having a time of it between the severe injury and the hysterics that Chili was having due to frantic worry for her friend.

Here is a picture of Nurse Chili with her patient Breeze after Breeze settled back into her room. You can tell from their faces that they are both just exhausted.

I may have the nick name Lazy Daisy but you haven't seen me running around like a maniac in the night and damaging this gorgeous body. The may call me alot of things but Stupid isn't one of them.