My time at the health club

Friday, May 21, 2010

First walk since "her" surgery

Hello all,

We took our first walk this morning since the surgery. We were invited by Chili to go with her Gwen's birthday hike but........................
I ended up taking Gwen myself and Chili stayed home with some trumped up excuse that Breeze would get upset if she left. Here is me giving Gwen a good talking to about the way she lets Chili get away with everything .
Muddy Water decided he was prettier than the view and no one needed to look at the beautiful lake when they could just look at him instead .

HI HO SILVER ( or is it go go goldie ??? )

I like bareback, do you think I could talk the groundskeeper into it ???

Thursday, May 20, 2010

A PARTY !!!!!!

My Dear Readers,

I may need some help. I know I am a trend-setter and fashion maven but this is a last minute invitation and I don't know what to wear. Your fashionista thoughts are welcome

Monday, May 17, 2010

Finally it is as it should be

My beloved Readers,

Finally the humans are treating us with the care and respect that we deserve. We finally were able to go an evening stroll at Pop Ash and the housekeeper was forced to walk in front of us to get rocks out of the path, to warn us of impending monsters and other such scary stuff, and to just generally make sure that all went well. She said she was walking because the doctor said that she should walk alot to get all better from the surgery........ but I know the truth, she just doesn't want me to know , that she knows, that I know , that she knows how special I am.

If you remember my series of photos called " Through Nicky's Ears " you will realize that these are some of my favorites. Here I am telling the slow poke housekeeper to giddy up, I must say I am so funny I made myself laugh so hard that water shot out my nose and that grossed Nicky out and we both just rolled in the floor hysterical. I just love laughing at humans !!!!!!!

Later she took a picture of my beautiful self and the groundskeeper and the housekeepers daughter with Nicky.
