My time at the health club

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

WARNING TO NICKY ( from Frank )

Best Friends Chet and Nicholas
I know I said I wasn't going to write but something odd happened today. We went and met daddy's friend Chet and his horse Nicholas. It was all OK until I saw Chet teaching daddy how to use some big strappy uncomfortable looking device on his horse Nicholas . I think this is all about you Nicky , Is it all a coincidence ??? Just think...... Chet's horse is Nicholas and your name is Nicholas . You, Nicholas, are a Draft horse and Chet's Nicholas is a cart horse , do you see where this is going ? Need I say More ????? I will let the following pictures speak for themselves.

White spots are snow , it is 32 degrees today
From your reporter on the road,

Frank Augustine, "The Nose that Knows" from his window on the world

Monday, April 6, 2009


Daisy , knowing your interest level I thought I would start with something to catch your attention. Here are some of the horses that we met while on location here in PA., They said they have so much grass here that they didn't mind if we took some hay back to you guys in Florida. They have heard rumors about acres and acres of sand and while it is unbelievable to them, they have sympathy for your plight and want to send donations.

The day finally arrived and we have picked up the 165 bales of prime Pennsylvania hay .

Here is Daddy as he begins to load the trailer, and here is me as I try diligently to eradicate any mice, rats, snakes or squirrels I may find in these neat old barns.
I couldn't believe it when I saw this mountain of hay. I just knew how happy it would make you Daisy and wished you could have been here to witness it .
And then, as if that wasn't enough, I saw this....................... It is CORN. I don't care for it much but I know you equine are crazy for it and they have so much here they have to build special rooms for it .

I think it's pretty cool too because have corn & mice will follow

Here I am checking the hay for color, smell, and all round edibility. They don't call me the Nose that Knows for nuthin'. .........I should get hazard pay , notice the coat, we aren't all furry like Nicky, it is cold here and suppose to snow tomorrow...............................................
Just when I think I can't be any more better than I am , poof....Here I am being heroic, keeping these vicious, dog eating steers from attacking some hapless human who may blunder into their enclosure

We went to 3 different farms to get enough hay to bring home, Here are two of them as we pull the trailer up to the doors to load.

Here is Daddy taking a load off after they got the load on the trailer

Here is me , totally exhausted after all my work.
We will be home by Saturday, Since my job here is done, and I have reported on the Hay purchase, I will not be reporting any further unless something truly extraordinary happens
Frank Augustine -The Nose That Knows - reporting from his window on the world