Notes from the trip

Hello readers, tis I , Frank, the nose that knows, reporting from my window on the world located in beautiful downtown Altoona PA.
I must start this episode with wonderful news. Do you remember my blog of April 1 , 2009 ?
DO YOU ?????
Can you believe that the petrified mouse is still there. Those people are so cool to just leave it hanging on the side of their house. I really like those people, I want to meet them someday and maybe get my picture taken with them. I could title it "Frank and the cool dead mouse people".
Right now I will just name this picture " Frank and the totally cool petrified mouse "
This picture below is what happened last weekend, there was a girl get together up in the secret room. I love all the girls and had a wonderful time with them here . I truly enjoy cleaning up the floor from when they have snacks.

The next picture is the finalization of what we came here to do ( other than get hay that is ) and the caretakers put the house here on the market. They said that Daisy's happiness is more important than anything so they want to stay in Florida and wait on her hand and hoof.