My time at the health club

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Work day and cats

NEWS FLASH.....................

A bobcat was seen leaving the barn last evening and this morning we see that she has found the all night diner at the spa and helped herself to A warm chicken dinner (particularly sadly she was setting a nest so all the potential babies were lost as well) We do not want to kill this beautiful creature so we are pondering possible solutions to the dilemma her appetite causes us NOW BACK TO OUR REGULAR FEATURE

Hi, I am new here at the spa, my name is Bitsy . I am about 6 months old and I love to be "up a tree" I think I am as big as a bobcat . My best-est friend ever is Frank. I chase him and he chases me . In this picture I am watching from my perch as hard labor is happening out in the field. Here is Fiona directing helper Paul in the proper use of a drill.

Here is Nicky telling Fiona she is wrong, that she is just a girl and doesn't know anything about boy stuff like building a shed.

Here is the guys working hard and I expect I am going to really like the shed because it is High and I like high.

Daisy says Hello and that she would have blogged but she didn't want to mess up her manicure .
Bye Bitsy