July 11, 2009

They called on the young Turks, a crew of the Cosa Nostra ,who fanned out and have searched every square inch of the property for clues to the identity of the cafone who would be Nicky's Goumada.

I am not in my happy place right now folks. I received this email today. It seems that My boyfriend Nicky has a secret admirer. Not that I am jealous or anything but I may use my one big fingernail to scratch someones eyes out If I ever find out who is coming after my man. I have asked the Turkeys to look into this situation so it's only a matter of time until I know who you are girl , and when I find out I will come kicking for you.
I gotta go now , I see Daisy coming and that mare scares me , she will go physco if she catches me on the computer and I am still sore from being kicked the other day for some minor infraction that the " Queen" didn't like.
ME, ME , Beautiful Me ....