My time at the health club

Thursday, August 13, 2009

a desperate plea from our friend Rupert

Rupert my dear Boy.

I have no idea how to help you. Granted your position is most humiliating but I myself love dancing and actually produce my own musical accompaniment. I will ponder this and get back to you when I figure out the solution.

Dancin' Daisy

We interupt this program with a special announcement

I may go Syndicated

Dear Friends,

This is a big day in the history of the Spa. We are going to begin to travel. Yes that's correct. The spa staff had purchased our bus which will double as sleeping quarters for us but had no place themselves to stall for the night. The searched high and low for 2 years and finally found the perfect portable stall. It is my understanding we will start at the big park in Collier County for a few nights of camping out and day time hiking but from there I hear talk of Pennsylvania, New England and the world. Me and Nicky are pretty excited to see where this will all lead.

Also I received a letter from inside the big barn. and let me answer it pretty quickly.


Boo Hoo, Do I hear you right, you have too much love in your life. Oh puuuleeeaaase let me get a hankie to cry in. How very sad for you .....

Get a grip little dog, Do you know how many horses in this world have no one to even care if they live or die in a dog food factory in Mexico.

Enjoy the love, give and get as much as you can. It is the only thing that makes it all worth while .

Yes I know, those of you who know me think that this is odd coming from me , Formerly known as Miss standoffish and snobby. Well the truth is I have feelings too and I have a heart as much as the next person and I like love as much as anyone. I have even learned to enjoy smoochies on my muzzle , so just lay off... OK


Sunday, August 9, 2009


Oh the life of a celebrity.... I am constantly in demand for appearances and special engagements. Just yesterday I was doing an event for my dear friend and acutherapist Eileen Coe. We were at the Civic Center in NFM during the Horse and Tack yard sale and I was modeling for her the perfect example of a mare being given acupressure . I was on best behavior and attracting a lot of attention when out of the blue I was asked to leave. Can you imagine, Me being asked to leave ? I would have taken offense but I realize it was probably the housekeeper they were asking to vacate the premises and since I was riding with her I had to leave too.

It was their mistake tho' as I found it to be an embarrassment and I don't like to be embarrassed. Little do they know who they were rude to, I consider myself the Billy Mays of the Equine set. I am PITCH MARE.

You can always reach me at my askdaisy email if you need me to make a celebrity appearance at your function or event. I can assure you that it makes quite a statement when I pop out of a wedding cake.............

For a substantial appearance fee I am happy to be a street walker and carry your sign on my largest and most prominent area...see below

Nicky is jealous of my increasing fame and fortune and has decided that he is going to run away and join the Circus and become famous too. Since he and the housekeeper consider themselves a team they started practicing today at the barn.

Nicky wants all those people who referred to him as Crazy Nicky to please note, there is no halter or bridle and he is being good just because he is that kind of guy. I thought it was a wonderful opportunity for him to do something funny and dump her again but he is concerned that she is 371 in horse years and if she breaks an arm falling he may have to clean up after himself.
They can practice all they want but the will never equal me in star quality. Cute is OK but the public wants beauty and poise and I have that in unequaled quantities.

PS....... we went for an evening walk with Chili and Breeze at Pop Ash and honestly I have seen Mosquitozilla and it lives at PopAsh Park.

Kisses ,
