Hi, It's me Nicky.... Daisy said I could write the blog myself this time since I am the one that went to play poker. Here we are getting there and I am having my second breakfast. Daisy thought I was going out with the guys and boy was she mad when she found out I was with Chili and Breeze.
We didn't play poker like I thought. We went on a 10 mile hike in Muse Florida . It was to benefit the animal shelter in LaBelle. I don't mind walking for 10 miles if it helps my brothers and sisters in fur.
Here is a picture we took of some of the pretty scenery. I really mean pretty too, she was beautiful.
I am so in love with Pretzel. She is one big girl ( A Belgian ) and she thought I was handsome and strong and smart and had a lot of energy . I have tried to tell Daisy that other girls think I am cute but she doesn't believe me . Maybe now she will !
We won 7 prizes at the raffle and here is Gwen and Kim posing with the winnings . Yep even a saddle.
Daisy sniffed my breath when we got home. I am hoping she doesn't smell Pretzels perfume me. That grassy earth odor that was all Belgian lusciousness .
I need a nap.....10 miles in this heat , I am beat !
We are starting a new series called Virtual Horseback with Nicky. This is a video of our Poker Run. We will put on many more for you enjoyment
Today was a Big Adventure. We went on another field trip. This time to the Cypress Dome trails at Corkscrew. It is a little late but we went to celebrate our first year anniversary at the Spa. To make it even better we invited our good friend and and past room-mate Chili to join us. Only six horses are allowed at a time and we had to get a special permit to be allowed to go there. How exciting it was. We traveled in the bus for an hour each way but it was worth it. You can tell from these pictures that we had a great time.
It is nice to stop for a cool drink
Gwen and Chili are cleaning up and getting ready to board the bus for the trip home Notice, no lead line on Nicky, with food he just hangs around . Also we were in a totally fenced area in case he got silly. If a prize was given, Nicky would win for being the one that had the most fun.
I will write more Saturday, Nicky is going to a Poker Run. I will report on his day. I am staying home with Fiona. I just have never enjoyed cards.
Today it was decided that we needed a new exercise program. We started out our routine with step exercises. We used the bridge as our platform, Up , down, up, down . The girls figured it out quickly but Nicky was having trouble with the concept.
As you know we are local celebrities and are thinking about doing a reality show because we want to share our selves with the world. So we invited a few select members of the community to preview this weeks episode. Unfortunately an audience member heckled me by calling me fat, the housekeeper came to my defense and showed that I was no more than an arms length in width. She didn't take kindly to the rude remarks and it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. ( or was that just gas ?)
Who you calling fat !!
She then tried to show Nicky the fine art of toe touches but he wasn't impressed with the technique and was satisfied with doing a few tail swishes to build up his butt muscles.
After a grueling work-out we cooled down by taking a quiet walk around the track together au-naturel
Fiona got the hardest workout of anyone but demonstrated that calm un-acceptance that donkeys are famous for