My time at the health club

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Good afternoon viewers, Frank Augustine here, the nose that knows. We are traveling north at this moment to procure hay for the spa's larder.

Yesterday was the same as usual for me and Ali, my redheaded old lady companion, We slept and we got out and relieved ourselves, had a drink and slept. However the drivers, Mommy and Daddy, were unusually upset. For some reason they were bothered by the fact that it took 11 hours to get out of the state of Florida. I over heard a great deal of discussion regarding accidents, traffic jams, red lights, broken air conditioner and computer trouble. By last night Mommy was none to happy and threatened to ( well I won't say but I got the impression I had best behave)

I have attached a picture of our whereabouts and if anything exciting happens between here and Pennsylvania I will file a report. Just rest assured that I, Frank Augustine, the nose that knows, is on duty to keep you informed.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

A Romantic Evening

Our personal trainers said that they just couldn't leave us today and head north so this evening Nicky and I went on a romantic stroll.

Last week Nicky got on the bus while she ( his personal trainer & masseuse) was still mounted , because she asked him to, Yesterday He was drinking water out of a bottle because she asked him to, and tonight this video is of Nickys first attempt at a new skill. He is just so cute the way he wants to please those people . I just wish he would learn that he is superior to them Just as I am !


Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I found out the most wonderful thing today.... The staff isn't leaving on vacation. They are on a hay run. They are bringing back 150 ( or more ) bales of sweet Pennsylvania Orchard grass for me, me, me , me . Ok for us........ but I really really love hay.

They also delivered a giant golden orb of hay today for the snack shack. It is beautiful and highly entertaining and somewhat tasty and will keep me happy until the truck gets back with the sweet delights of ruminent bliss that have been promised.


This is my best picture of the "world from between Nickys ears" because it is of most beautiful me. This nice calm picture was taken only a few minutes before the big, bad, scary bicycles caused the whole world to end and John was able to stay on me and slow me down but Nicky turned so fast that Joy just slid right off but she didn't let him go and has the rope burns from the reins to prove it .

They have also finally learned that Nicky is most happy to go any where , do anything as long as he is able to keep a snack of grass in his mouth. He also knows how to drink water out of a bottle. This is a handy talent when out on the trail !!!!

OK this is not funny. That truck driver is just rude, rude, rude. I am the perfect size, I am not oversize.
I am sending a camera with one of the staff dogs that is going on the hay run. He can email them back to me and I will keep everyone apprised of anything of interest during the trip.

Monday, March 23, 2009


Dear Gwen,

A staff member mentioned to me today that they will be taking holiday for 2 weeks and leave our house cleaning, meals and general well being in your more than capable hands. It has also come to my attention that you hold me in some disdain for the apparent broken bone in your foot. It is further my understanding that you would like a public apology and whereby I am sure that I would garner equal care as the others even without the apology I understand it would be in my best interest to present to you my heartfelt sorriness.

I truly am sorry Gwen. I did not mean to hit your leg. I was aiming for that sneaky, conniving , trail lead stealing Chili. It is most unfortunate that your leg was in my way. It was totally un - meditated and wholly an act of passion. My temper just overcame me in a most un-lady like way.

Please accept my apology and to show me that you have accepted my apology and ease my worried self, an apple flavored treat kept in the secret green box in the garage, would be nice.

Your really nice and sweet friend for life


Sunday, March 22, 2009


I heard tonight that Pop Ash Park ( the little park) has over 300 acres in it and I think those sadistic personal trainers we have intend for us to walk the whole thing. We saw two snakes tonight and I thought that would turn them around and get them to take us home to our warm beds but nooooo, they got all excited and wanted to take pictures. And they say horses aren't to bright !!!!

Here is my second Photo of my series " The world from between Nickys ears" It is a picture taken during the hike this evening but I know it is truly a masterpiece, see how his ears frame the photo? I am gifted am I not .

After the ridiculously long hike we had tonight and all the work that I watched everyone else do this afternoon I was exhausted , and more than ready for my dinner and my bed.

Would someone please call security. There is a Turkey at my door calling me sugarbuns and I am so tired he is starting to look kinda cute .


Today was work day at the lodging , Nicky and I were excused because we are going hiking this evening at the park. However Chili isn't
going so she was put on work crew . They worked really hard and I felt bad for her, she was so tired she fell asleep on her feet