My time at the health club

Saturday, June 27, 2009

We are gonna' party !!!!!!!

Dear Readers,

Just an update on the duck/chicken family. You ask, has the duck grown a chicken tail out of her chest. No... The Chicken is tucked under the duck napping while the duck is watching the shared baby chick. We should sell tickets to the midway shows around here shouldn't we?

Now we got a letter from one of our more intelligent and thoughtful readers with a delightful suggestion.

My answer is YES YES YES.
We can have it on the equinox and play horse shoes, drink
Wild Horse, eat canter-lopes ( but not so much we get the trots ), horse around , Roll in the hay, sew our wild oats, No holding our horses and no one will nag us. We can behave as tack-y as we choose and their will be no one here to neigh say us . We won't be saddled with un-earned reputations because we will have un-bridled fun. I will drive myself and take the bus on a joy ride and moon people .
The fun is endless. We have not taken advantage while the groundskeeper was gone to get more hay but now that the Housekeeper is going .................... WEE HAA

Thursday, June 25, 2009

A Fan Letter to Daisy

Remember to read the note, just click on the picture to enlarge it.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Bits and Pieces of daily life

Dear fans,
I don't know for sure what is going on around here but don't you think it is starting to look like PRISON!!!.
Supposedly the two gates on the right, Chili's and Nicky's were wired up to "keep them from pawing and getting a hoof caught " and tonight Fiona got wired up with hardware cloth. Granted she has learned to stick her head through the top and take the gate off the hinges, but why is that so bad?

We have had another oddity born here, although you can't really tell, this has to be the worlds littlest chick, he is in the medical ward with the miniature duck to keep him safe and warm.
This picture is all three of the medical ward patients sleeping together, the new tiny chicks booty is the middle one.

The Turkey poults are finally allowed out of the the pen ( see they are even using prison terms ) and are allowed to hang out in the yard with the rest of us. Their daddy and uncle are very interested in them and they all hang out together in their flock. I am on hand to make sure all goes well and they stay safe. Later that night I took my eyes off of the little brainiacs for just a minute and one fell in my water bucket , Its a good thing dinner was on time and the housekeeper heard him. He got fished out and blow dried to get him warm quickly.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

A special letter of encouragement


Dear Faithful Reader,

I appreciate your words of encouragement and don't mean to be picky but the staff reads this blog and I don't really appreciate your adding the bit about hauling and carrying. I have spent considerable time getting the groundskeeper to drop his notion of me as a carriage horse and then you have to go and write this. What were you thinking ??????
