Hi from Kai
Hi, I am Kai, I am a good girl, I have the computer , I am smart and pretty and I am a big girl, I am 10 moths old and I can write , I can write because there is spell check , I am so smart, and pretty did i tell you I was pretty. Here is a picture of me thinking, I like to think, I am so good , I am a good girl, yes I am, good kai good girl. I am thinking about how pretty I am and if I want to chase a bird, No , no chasing birds, bad kai, kai is a good girl.

Look at me , I am a big girl, I can jump on the big bed in the camper because I am a big good girl, I want to sleep with the people in the big bed, I don't want to sleep on the floor . I am sure the people want me to jump in the bed, yes i am sure, I am a big pretty girl and I had a bath yesterday, Yes, yes I am sure they want pretty Kai in bed, What does " GET DOWN FROM THERE YOU MANGY MUTT" mean, does that mean that we are playing a game, Fun game, fun fun fun game Hahaha, reach for kai you puny human ......hahaha yes Kai is having fun. Kai likes this game, you can't catch me hahahah
OOOH OOOH, my favorite thing. Magic space eyes for Kai, look look I caught this giant cow, it was at subway ( that is where the humans hunt for sandwiches ) , I am there with the cow because I caught it , yes I did, I used my magic space eyes yes i did, I lured it to me , I said ..... come to me cow , come to me . Yes that it it....... I trained the giant cow, STAY COW...... COME COW. hahahah Kai is funny haha , Yes i am funny and pretty, yes I am pretty girl and so very smart, good kai.
Bye bye for now, we are in the machine going to the mountains. we stayed in the dog house in Georgia last night and I was a good girl and didnt chase other dogs or even bark , I did growl cause I am brave, Kai is brave and pretty, Kai is a good girl. I am such a brave big pretty girl that Daisy said that when I grow up I can have the job of head of security at the spa, what is a job? Is it fun, will I want to do it every day ????
GUESS WHAT !!!!!! I am going to catch a bear in the mountain, yes I am , a bear would be fun and play with me . no one will say NO KAI.. LEAVE THE KITTY ALONE. I am a good girl but I still think that the kitty makes a good toy,, it is is furry and makes funny sounds and it runs and that is alot of fun . I would like to put in a smiley dog face, where are the smiley dog faces, are they pretty dogs, are they good dogs. My name is BellaKai , it means pretty water.. I am very pretty
Bye from Kai, ha ha that rythms, I made a poem , bye kai bye kai I am so smart I am a smart girl, good kai, good dog.